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Auschwitz. Not long ago. Not far away. 

Imagineear’s audioguides play a key role in shaping the visitor experience at the newly opened exhibition: Auschwitz. Not long ago. Not far away. at the Royal Ontario Museum, Canada.

The XP4™ audioguides host six tours developed for a range of audiences including school children and adult visitors. These tours support the exhibition’s aim to promote a greater understand of the underlying conditions that allowed the Holocaust to happen.

Auschwitz. Not long ago. Not far away., an international touring exhibition, is created by Musealia and co-produced by the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum in Poland. It has been developed with an expert international panel of curators and historians and is considered to be one of the most comprehensive exhibitions ever presented on the subject. The Royal Ontario Museum is the only Canadian stop on its international tour.

Survivor testimonials, historical documentation, and first-hand accounts by liberating forces create a powerful emotional connection to the exhibition’s more than 500 original objects – many of which have never been seen before in Canada – on loan from the Auschwitz Memorial and more than 20 other major institutions and private collections around the world.

Visitors to the exhibition will discover physical camp objects and archival records which provide a contextual framework for the political and social landscape in Europe before the Auschwitz camp was created. In addition, they will learn about the complex’s day-to-day environment, and its continued legacy. By reflecting on the past, visitors are encouraged to consider their role in creating a more inclusive and tolerant society today.

“Imagineear’s reliable technology and seamless service have ensured the success of the audioguide experience for exhibition at ROM Toronto,” said Luis Ferreiro, Musealia. “The devices play a key role in the visitor experience, as they give access to the original testimonies of survivors and a carefully created script for the complex and challenging history of Auschwitz.”

"Imagineear's reliable technology and seamless service have ensured the success of the audio guide experience for exhibition at ROM Toronto. The devices play a key role in the visitor experience, as they give access to the original testimonies of survivors and a carefully created script for the complex and challenging history of Auschwitz."

Luis Ferreiro
CEO, Musealia
