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Memphis Rock ‘n’ Soul Museum chooses Imagineear’s XP3™ device for their tours

The Memphis Rock ‘n’ Soul, Tennessee, was created by the Smithsonian Institution and tells the story of musical pioneers who, for the love of music, overcame racial and socio-economic barriers to create music that influenced the world.

The museum offers a comprehensive Memphis music experience taking visitors from the rural field hollers and sharecroppers of the 1930s, inside Memphis’ musical heyday in the 70s, to its global musical influence today.

Delivered on Imagineear’s XP3™ device, the audio tour guide is packed with over 300 minutes of information, including over 100 songs. It takes visitors at their own pace through seven galleries featuring 3 audio visual programs, more than 30 instruments, 40 costumes, and other musical treasures.

“We are delighted that the Memphis Rock ‘n’ Soul Museum have chosen to deliver their audio tour on our XP3™ devices” said Alain Enault, Head of Channel Partnerships, Imagineear. “XP3™ is an all-in-one platform that gives unprecedented understanding and control of the visitor experience, and with 150 devices on site, we look forward to enjoying a continued partnership with this fascinating museum”.
